Wednesday, 02 March 2016 09:59

Kroger Community Rewards

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Post 757 Baseball Kroger Community Rewards Program

The Chillicothe 757 Colts Baseball Program participates in the Kroger Rewards Program. This is an easy way to support Post 757 Baseball because it's FREE to participate and you do NOT lose any of your plus card discounts by participating.

Below is step-by-step instructions to Enroll or Re-Enroll your family in the Kroger Community Rewards Program:

1. Go to

2. Sign In using your email address and password you used to register your account (or you can create an account if you are not currently signed up).

3. After you log-in, click the blue "Community Rewards" button

4. Search for the Chillicothe Post 757 Colts Baseball organization. Select CHILLICOTHE 757 COLTS BASEBALL (our Organization number is LC807).

5. After you select the CHILLICOTHE 757 COLTS BASEBALL from the list then you need to click “Save”.

6. Your selected organization will also display in the Kroger Community Rewards section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.

7. You will see that you are supporting CHILLICOTHE 757 COLTS BASEBALL at the bottom of your receipt when you shop at your local Kroger.

8. As always, Thank You for Supporting YOUR Chillicothe 757 Colts Baseball Program!

Read 6567 times Last modified on Saturday, 09 January 2021 02:07